Our Projects at Afrodan Limited

Being industry leaders in the provision of durable ergonomic furniture, Afrodan Limited has supplied and installed our high quality products to the best of corporate Ghana. Our work includes:
GCB Bank
:: Supply of ergonomic office furniture to the bankGhana Civil Aviation Authority
:: Furnishing of head office annex and central stores:: Furnishing of library complex
Ghana Airports Company Limited
:: Furnishing of offices of top Management and DirectorsRegimanuel Gray Limited
:: Furnishing of head office
NDK Financial Services
:: Furninshing of head office
IKAM Limited
:: Supply of ergonomic office furniture for administration block:: Supply of furniture for factory
Nestle Ghana Limited
:: Supply of office chairs and canteen furniture
Fan Milk Ghana Limited
:: Supply of ergonomic office furniture for administration block:: Supply of furniture for factory
:: Supply of furniture for all branches of the company
:: Supply of ergonomic office furniture:: Supply of furniture for computer center
:: Supply of furniture for conference room and board room
ABSA Ghana Limited
:: Main suppliers of furniture to the bank
Quality Insurance Company Limited
:: Supply of chairs for their new head office
SO Energy Ghana Limited
:: Supply of furniture for their head office
Donewell Insurance Limited
:: Supply of furniture to their new head office
:: Supply of furniture for their new head office buildings
Atlantic Group of Companies
:: Supply of furniture for their head office building
Amal Bank Ghana Limited
:: Supply of furniture for their Ridge and Maamobi branches
ECOBANK Transnational Inc.
:: Supplier of furniture for their new office
ECOBANK Ghana Limited
:: Supply of furniture and fire-proof filing cabinets
Broll Ghana
:: Supply of furniture for their new offices in Ghana
World Vision
:: Supply of chairs for Tamale Office
Vanguard Assuarance
:: Supply of filing cabinets
Parliament House, Rep. of Ghana
:: Supply of swivel chairs for Members of Parliament:: Supply of seats for Press and Public galleries
:: Supply of seats for staff and waiting area
Newmont Ghana Gold Limited
:: Supply of swivel chairs, visitors chairs, canteen furniture, office desks
Lister Hospital
:: Supply of hospital furniture
Zahkem International onstruction
:: Supply of ergonomic office furniture
UNILIVER Ghana Limited
:: Supply of ergonomic office furniture for various departments
SG-SSB Bank Limited
:: Supply of ergonomic office furniture for International Banking Department:: Supply of ergonomic office furniture for Ring Road Central branch
:: Supply of ergonomic office furniture for North Industrial Area branch